Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our World Goals

World View:

We have a very broad world view.

"Think globally - Act Locally" Is the general philosophy in any new
venture. However there comes a time to also act globally as well.

We have long term plans that include introducing new
industries to third world countries, that we believe would change
or perhaps save lives.

The current problem.

Engineers with MIT and other universities are working in poor countries such as
Hiati, in order to try and improve living conditions by introducing new technologies
and industries, such as LED lighting, solar water distillation and new forms of
cooking fuels - such as the recently developed bio mass charcoal briquettes.

However - The problem is that engineers are very good at engineering, but
unfortunately very poor at understanding economics. Our approach would be
to also involve economics experts to assist in developing micro economic
changes that could develop into a sustained improvement on the general
quality of life in these countries.

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