Thursday, February 19, 2009

Our 10 Year Plan

The Venturi Wind Ventures
Allen Gagle


From Business Week:
"The research firm New Energy Finance estimates that venture capital and private equity
investments in clean energy will grow at an annual compound rate of 17% through 2013."


Companies like Sony may have not invented the Television, but that has not
kept them from improving and innovating, which has allowed for their enormous success. Our business is very much the same, like many other green technology start-ups, we are innovating and are striving to become the industry standard.

1. Consultancy: Providing valuable consulting to other green start-ups.

2. Wind Power: Researching, developing and producing of sub 100 watt and 100 watt+ systems (up to the Kilo Watt or Mega Watt range) relating to Wind Belt and Wind Turbine systems.

3. Water Power: Researching, developing and producing multi watt buoy systems which
is utilizing our "The Breeze" technology and is encapsulating it into a buoy form factor.

4. Dynamic Energy Systems: Utilizing Piezoelectric systems for building into roadway along with the normal aggregate for generating electricity from road traffic, researching gyroscopic energy generation systems (for later implementing into our Buoy systems.)

5. Solar Power: Recycling electronic components to produce solar power using a new system. We are currently researching the re-purposing recycled transistors into new solar energy applications.

6. Fuel Production: Algae Farming to produce bio fuels.

7. Open Source Engineering: A new concept of the century has been Open Sourcing, we feel that this is an integral component of future innovations. Many great minds outweigh the solitary inventor, and a necessary resource incorporating into a quantum shift in advancing of any new technology.

8. Acquisitions: We plan on acquiring other green technology businesses we feel are innovating in the field of alternative energy.

9. Community Involvement: Amateur Scientist Clubs, Amateur Rocket Builders Clubs, Robotics Clubs, Amateur Radio Societies, Ham Radio operator clubs and Computer Building clubs have spawned countless innovations in electronics, radio and computer technologies. What is missing are formal organizations for green technology from young and amateur experimenters. It is imperative to get the youth and more citizens interested and involved in future energy advancements.

We believe it is important to start grass roots organizations and clubs in communities throughout the world- from schools, local organizations and local libraries involving communities directly.

10. Recycling: Another successful business in our local area is Star Asset Recovery, they have been very successful with their business of recycling computer components that would have ended up in landfills. We look to them as an important case study in how we should pursue our recycling operations utilizing old electronics components.

Copper is a valuable commodity, currently at $1.43 USD per pound with a very good future outlook, is just one of the many benefits of recycling electronics components and producing new components for the production of Wind Turbines and Generators.

*Footnote relating to our recycling endeavors:
Reclaiming Energy: A large percentage of lost energy can be reclaimed again using
drainage turbines, parasitic turbines, Joule Thief circuitry, etc.. We have learned that we should not waste food, but we waste electricity every day in the form of lost energy. We can be making changes now for reclaiming all this lost energy.

Benefits would include: Improving energy efficiency, tapping unused energy sources and
keeping batteries out of land fills longer.

Business Plan:

Like any good business model, diversification is an important part of the overall business model, diversification in an industry ensures that the business continues profiting throughout the wax and wane of fickle new markets such as alternative energy.


What awaits us is achieving a Paradigm shift - the great movement toward a common goal
of changing the very infrastructure of our current system, both in technological and economic terms.

Keeping An Open Mind:

Like all new technology, it was once considered alien and obscure, now these inventions are common place. We must keep an open mind about new sources of power, there are new technologies of interest that may be fringe science now, but in the future may have its place in all our lives. Technologies such as Atmospheric Vortex Engines, Lenzless Generators, Bio Circuits, Nano Technology and Organic Solar cells merit much research and simply cannot be ignored.

Certain advances may not be currently feasible, but may become a possibility in the near future. Ignoring new technology would be ignoring the benefits to mankind.


Florida Power has successfully converted the Wildlife Encounter Pavilion of the
Homosassa State Wildlife Park to Hydrogen power using Hydrogen fuel cells.

A company called Lebone in Africa is using fuel cells to provide much needed
lighting for emergency workers and residents.

China Energy Group has developed Solar Thermal technology that replaces Solar Cells
plants in the southwest have the capability of producing 3 Gigawatts of power, which
is enough power for 1 million homes.

We have improved existing Wind Belt technology to gain an additional 30% efficiency
and are seeking independent verification of our research.

Barriers To Entry:

Any successful business at one point or another requires analyzing the existing or potential barriers to entry in their particular field. Our obstacles are educating the public, fickle markets and resources. We firmly believe that we are overcoming these obstacles every day and that success is imminent.

In Conclusion:

Although our goals are many, over the course of 10 years it is our belief that each and every goal can be achieved if we work together to make these things a reality. Together we can reduce our energy independence to 50% and perhaps altogether in the future.

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