Thursday, May 29, 2014

New solar cells mean greater efficiency

New "quantum dot" technology means for greater efficiency. These new cells have many times more photovoltaic cells and can produce much better power output.

Photo source: Gizmag

One of the extreme advantages over this new technology is that it can be produced at room temperature. Traditional solar cells (PV technology) requires a great deal of energy to produce.

Full story here:

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mushroom Packaging

A new Vice story features how mushrooms can be grown into a medium that can be used as packing and other material. Styrene can even be found in your blood because of how prolific it is. It is ubiquitous and does not seem to be going away anytime soon. 

Read the full article here:

Saturday, May 10, 2014

1937 Solar Power

This incredible video demonstrates just a few things we are replicating today. Cheap abundant harmful fossil fuels of the era kept these types of technologies from being advanced. Now we need to go back into our history books and see what else is there for us to RE discover.

Source: Gizmodo
LINK: Gizmodo article

An article about solar refrigeration:
Solar Refrigeration