Tuesday, March 3, 2009

In The Lab

This week some of our staff will be working on a special algae hybridization project,
if successful we could be one of the first Green companies that are producing our
own special algae strain for high oil production volumes.

The different approaches we are taking are:

1. Focusing on those micro algae we have found to contain an oil content of up to 70%+

2. Generation modeling

3. Hybridization of micro algae with high oil characteristics to produce larger
micro algae cells by volume.

Bigger truely is better, a larger surface area is a higher concentration of oil
per cm*. I don't know of any other labs focusing on becoming algae farms for the
specific purpose of selling seed plants.

We believe this will give us a definitive edge in these new markets.

We will be looking at data from Utah State University, in one of their projects
they state by using light more efficiently they can yield a 10 to 20x higher
surface area.

The specifics:
Upon analyzing Cladophora sp. with a surface area of (63.5 m2/g, N2 gas adsorption)
under an atomic force microscope, we surmise from our generation model that
the new strain Aerodifus sp. would have a surface area of roughly surface area (76.3 m2/g, N2 gas adsorption) after crystalization of cells in both cell structures
are allowed to take place.

This process would allow for the production of cellulose powder for easier processing.

This process would happen at the end of the life cycle before drying and gasification.

*per volume of occupied cylindrical container.

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